"Sekolah Merdeka Belajar"

Pendaftaran Peserta Didik Baru Tahun Pelajaran 2023/2024

SMK Ar-Rohman Tegalrejo telah membuka penerimaan peserta didik baru. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan buka halaman berikut : Informasi Pendaftaran.

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Hi everybody. Here I will report about final exam of SMK Ar-Rohman you know SMK Ar-Rohman ? Exactly yes hehehe.Will final exam held from December 2nd  10 th 2019 from Monday until Tuesday semesters. This activity is intended to measure how the students` ability in this abaut all of subject at school. Here, one picture of final eam below :
Picture I, final examnation in SMK Ar-Rohman .
If I observe every student who is diligently stdy harct can answer the questions it be counted on the fingers, this can be seen from the attitude they sit down, his face looks nervouse indicanting they are not learning so they can it ahswer the questions.
Based  on that exam, one student from SMK Ar-Rohman, Akbar Rezaldi Ramadhan as a tarism class student sald, “ this final exam is like an extraordingnary activity because we need extra to study” but i`m happy an I believe I can do this exam. It means that mostiy students feel happy and have a spirit to do this exam.
Well, me hope that by this final exam. It can measure the students anderstinding of the subject at school. So for that, the quality of students will improve too. May all of students of SMK Ar-Rohman will be success in this exam. Bravo SMK Ar-Rohman. Lead the future

Composed by : Muhammad Hasan , Student of Class X TIPTL

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